Hello Everyone!
The poultry industry is currently suffering from different challenges due to the Covid-19 outbreak:
- Because of the widespread quarantine and lockdowns, poultry meat and eggs consumption and their prices have been sharply fallen.And at the same time:
- Prices of vitamins, amino acids, and many other additives are rapidly increasing.
These two factors significantly reduced the production profitability.
Given the current situation, I suggest paying more attention to a few points that we may not have paid enough attention to them before!
- The first point is choosing the right enzyme and count on its matrix value to have a lower feed cost and same or even better performance!
Rovabio® is a range of enzyme solutions with a reliable matrix value which improves feed digestibility.
Besides, Rovabio Predictor is a software that will help you to define the real matrix value of Rovabio which is dedicated for your own formula - The second point is paying attention to the nutrient contents of raw materials:
Adisseo PNE is a unique service based on NIR technology to predict the nutritional quality of more than 35 raw materials ; its predictions rely on IN VIVO trials which guarantees the accuracy of the received analysis. - The third point is checking the enzymatic activity that may be affected during the feed production process.
Rovabio Test kit is a rapid tool to check enzymatic activities in a mash, pelleted or extruded feed, you can ensure that your investment on Rovabio and its matrix value is not wasted!
To summarize:
- Choose the right NSP enzyme!
- Calculate the real matrix value of enzyme, dedicated for your own formula.
- Get accurate information about the nutrient content of your feed raw materials.